Structure vs. Flexibility in Coaching
Life Coaching can be either highly structured or very flexible. A more structured approach may be helpful early on. For example, the use of a model, such as the Wheel of Life in my Life Audit Workbook can help guide the conversation to learn key points about the client's focus. Once the coaching relationship and trust are established, a more flexible conversation style may be more appropriate where the coach is there as a support person following the natural ebbs and flows of the client's journey and validating the emotions while encouraging alignment with values and intentions. Structure can then be usefully sprinkled in to get realigned when life gets messy and scattered. A skilled and intuitive coach recognizes when structure or flexibility is more appropriate for a given session or circumstance and can easily navigate between the two, providing the best experience for the client.
What's a Life Audit and When Is It Helpful?
A Life Audit is a process of zooming out to assess your life broadly. It can be helpful during times of change, if you are feeling out of touch with yourself, or simply would like to clarify where to best place your energy and attention. The process I use with clients includes a wheel of life, values, vision, intentions, focus, and habits assessment. It's structured, but not micro-managed and process rather than outcome-based. It's grounding, clarifying, and flexible, yet structured and can be used self-directed or in conjunction with coaching.
The Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life typically has seven key focus areas which can be pre-defined or you can define your key areas. It's useful as a tool to look at your life broadly first before zooming into any specific area.
Values are the core of what keeps us aligned with our best selves. While subjective values have more staying power than fleeting emotions or desires. When they are the backbone of what drives our decisions in life we have more clarity and focus. Values-based decisions have the big picture and our greater good in mind, while impulsive, emotional-based decisions can leave us feeling depleted and off track after the initial "high", similar to too much sugar, caffeine, food, etc.
Your vision is also completely subjective, and it deserves to be. This is the day-dreamy, future-oriented piece of the puzzle. It's not to say life will necessarily play out according to your vision, but the vision provides the spark, the joy, and the creative fuel behind moving forward. I believe it's possible to be energized by your vision, but also realistic about the future arriving in that specific form.
Intentions differ from goals because they are ongoing and process rather than outcome-based, which is what I like about them. They are not about ticking a box but a statement designed to direct your attention and focus.
I prefer the term focus to gaols. Goals are certainly helpful at times but tend to be most useful concerning outcomes rather than processes. In my experience, most sustainable aspects of our life have an ongoing, process-oriented, habit-type nature. For example, SMART goals are time-bound, tending to emphasize completion rather than enjoyment and process. A simple do more/do less list is a nice alternative to help guide focus in alignment with intentions, vision, and values in a way that feels motivating and sustainable.
Habits that are both intentional and flexible are the foundation of healthy progress. When your habits are in alignment with your values, vision, intentions, and focus there is a deep sense of ownership of them, making them highly personal and enjoyable.
All You Need to Know
Life Coaching can be both structured and flexible
A life audit is a process of broadly assessing your life
The Wheel of Life is a helpful model for this assessment
Values, vision, intentions, focus, and habits are given attention in the process
Call To Action
If you're interested in doing a Life Audit, I offer a self-guided workbook which may be purchased alone or in conjunction with coaching.
Yours In Health,
