Are you ready to take initiative with your health?
Wear something comfy, grab a water bottle, snack, and your favorite pen...we are going on a learning adventure to explore 7 key areas of your well-being through collaborative conversations designed to help you transform your health by identifying and aligning with your core values in either a solo or group sessions.

Hi, I'm Jill.
I'm a Wellness Coach with a bachelor's in Lifestyle Management and nearly a decade of experience coaching individuals in the area of health and wellness.
Jill Yeiter, BSc
Wellness Coach

Listen to "The Wheel of Health"
Solo or group sessions hosted by me. See my bookings page for details.
Time committment
60 minutes.
Taster session is free, then see my bookings page for details.
Calm, alert, elastic, centered, organized, energized, cozy, comfortable, strong, empowered!
Example Coaching Content
Session 1
Getting to Know You
Session 2
The Wheel of Health
Session 3
Rest, Movement, and Exercise
Session 4
Session 5
Personal and Professional Development
Session 6
Physical Environment
Session 7
Relationships and Communication
Session 8
Session 9
Stress Management
Session 10
Putting It All Together

...Personally, Jill has made a major difference in how I view my physical health, my body, eating and exercise. I am much healthier, fit, confident and self-accepting as a result of her interventions.

Larry, Clinical Psychologist

In large part, any positive comments I may hear are because Jill inspired me to realize that health and fitness are important and life-long goals. Her example and encouragement continue to sustain me, even though we are miles - and many time zones - apart.​​​​"
Kathleen, Higher Education Retiree
When does the course begin?Shortly after you complete your purchase you will receive your first email.
When do I get the workbook, MP3s and menu planners?"The workbook and menu planners are available for download at the time of purchase. The MP3s will available to you later in the course, at which point you can download for free as well.
What is your refund policy for this course?All sales are final on this course, thanks.
Who is this course best suited for?Anyone insterested in returning their focus to a grounded state of self-care.
What outcome can I expect from this course?Increased awareness of the way you manage stess, look after your food needs, and perceive movement.